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What is the role of a Bereavement Ministry?

A Catholic funeral follows a conventional and religious format that respects the Catholic faith and traditions.  The Bereavement Ministry of St. Paul of the Cross extends a loving hand at a time of loss of a loved one to:

  • Offer the sympathy and prayers of the Parish

  • Help prepare a meaningful and personal Liturgy

  • Attend the funeral mass

  • Provide information of St. Paul of the Cross’ Spring and Fall weekly grief support group sessions

What is the role of a Bereavement Ministry?

The bereavement ministers are a group of trained volunteer parishioners who are dedicated to the needs of family and friends when they have suffered the loss of a loved one. This ministry is among the first to reach out and help others from the St. Paul of the Cross community at a difficult time.



  • Collaborates and consults with loved ones to prepare and plan the specifics of the funeral liturgy

  • Participates in the celebration of the funeral liturgy

  • Serves as liaison between the music director and the presiding priest

  • Organizes and participates in an All Souls Mass on November 2 of each year in remembrance of the deceased

Funeral Planning Mass Guidelines

  • Readings: Three readings are chosen from the Bible; one from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament, and one from the Gospel.

  • Prayers of the Faithful: Three-to-six petitions are read.  The bereavement minister has samples or the family may write their own. 

  • The family may choose readers for the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Prayers of the Faithful. The priest or a deacon will read the Gospel.

Please check the St. Paul of the Cross website for suggestions on readings and music for the funeral Mass at

  • One speaker may deliver a three to five - minute eulogy before Mass begins.

  • Two family members may bring up the gifts. 

  • Music: Hymns will be played at the entrance, the responsorial psalm, the presentation of gifts, communion, final commendation and recession.

  • No recorded or secular music during Mass is allowed. 

  • An organist and a soloist are provided by the church. Guest musician(s) must coordinate with the music director before the day of the funeral.

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Bereavement Minister, contact Kathy Jarosch,

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