What is the role of a Bereavement Ministry?
A Catholic funeral follows a conventional and religious format that respects the Catholic faith and traditions. The Bereavement Ministry of St. Paul of the Cross extends a loving hand at a time of loss of a loved one to:
Offer the sympathy and prayers of the Parish
Help prepare a meaningful and personal Liturgy
Attend the funeral mass
Provide information of St. Paul of the Cross’ Spring and Fall weekly grief support group sessions
What is the role of a Bereavement Ministry?
The bereavement ministers are a group of trained volunteer parishioners who are dedicated to the needs of family and friends when they have suffered the loss of a loved one. This ministry is among the first to reach out and help others from the St. Paul of the Cross community at a difficult time.
Collaborates and consults with loved ones to prepare and plan the specifics of the funeral liturgy
Participates in the celebration of the funeral liturgy
Serves as liaison between the music director and the presiding priest
Organizes and participates in an All Souls Mass on November 2 of each year in remembrance of the deceased
Funeral Planning Mass Guidelines
Readings: Three readings are chosen from the Bible; one from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament, and one from the Gospel.
Prayers of the Faithful: Three-to-six petitions are read. The bereavement minister has samples or the family may write their own.
The family may choose readers for the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Prayers of the Faithful. The priest or a deacon will read the Gospel.
Please check the St. Paul of the Cross website for suggestions on readings and music for the funeral Mass at https://andreabartolomeo7.wixsite.com/mysite.
One speaker may deliver a three to five - minute eulogy before Mass begins.
Two family members may bring up the gifts.
Music: Hymns will be played at the entrance, the responsorial psalm, the presentation of gifts, communion, final commendation and recession.
No recorded or secular music during Mass is allowed.
An organist and a soloist are provided by the church. Guest musician(s) must coordinate with the music director before the day of the funeral.