Contact: Anna Mae Parkhill
About the Sacrament
Article 1304 and 1305 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church says: "Like Baptism which it completes, Confirmation is given only once, for it too imprints on the soul an indelible spiritual mark, the “character,” which is the sign that Jesus Christ has marked a Christian with the seal of his Spirit by clothing him with power from on high so that he may be his witness. This “character” perfects the common priesthood of the faithful, received in Baptism, and “the confirmed person receives the power to profess faith in Christ publicly"
The Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Paul of the Cross
At St. Paul of the Cross the preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation occurs over an eight year period beginning in first grade. The child needs to be enrolled either in our school or our catechesis (religious education) program if attending public school. Each grade focuses on a different aspect of catechesis and works to form a whole at the completion of eighth grade.