Finished with your Christmas cookies but still have a taste for a special
cookie? You’re in luck: the Girl Scout Cookie Sale is early this year! St. Paul of the Cross Girl Scouts will be at church entrances after Masses the weekends of February 8th - 9th and February 15th - 16th.
Varieties available include Adventurefuls, Lemon-ups, Trefoils, Do-Si-Dos, Samoas, Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Girl Scout S’Mores (last chance to stock up on this cookie-it will be discontinued) and Toffee-tastics. Each box is $6.00.
There are 124 girls in 7 troops at St. Paul of the Cross. They use their profits from the cookie sale for their troop activities such as camping, donating to our food pantry and other causes, requirements for religious awards, field trips, and other experiences. Please help our Girl Scouts to learn and grow through service to others.