The School Finance Committee is a subcommittee of the school board and is comprised of individuals with credentials in the field of finance. They serve as an advisory board to the pastor and principal and are directly involved in the annual budget process.
Contact: Dr. Erika Mickelburgh
The mission of the School Board is to support and promote the following: “We believe that God’s will is to spread the Good News and make disciples as Jesus did. The school is committed to minister and teach his message to our children. We are committed to develop a community of love and service in which the child grows academically, socially, and spiritually in cooperation with his/her parents. In particular, we will impart knowledge of the needs of the poor and an awareness of third world countries.” Members of the School Board are elected by parishioners for a three-year term.
Contact: Patti Nowak
The Pastoral Council consists of dedicated parishioners nominated by their peers and appointed by the pastor after thoughtful discernment. The Council is a visioning rather than a problem-solving body which:
Contact: Sandy Labouvie
The Parish Finance Council plays a consultative role, advising the pastor on all financial matters and making the fiscal operation of the parish accountable and transparent. It assists the Pastor in the administration of the material resources of the community by examining and approving major expenses as well as collaborates with the business manager in the preparation of the annual budget.
Contact: Mary Ploen
The St. Paul of the Cross Parish Educational Endowment Fund was developed in 2000 with the goal of keeping Catholic education affordable and accessible for future generations of SPC students. Thanks to the dedication and generosity of our many benefactors, the Endowment Fund currently has over $1.5M, which has allowed the council to allocate $65K back to the school each year to offset increases in expenditures and to keep tuition increase to a minimum. Additionally, the Endowment has funded need-based tuition scholarships.
Phone: (847) 825-7605
6:25 am UC
8:30 am UC
8:30 am UC - weekday Mass
4:30 pm UC - vigil
7:30 am UC
9:00 am UC
10:30 am UC and HFC
12:00 pm UC